Team: Jules Ouwerkerk's Fundraiser

I am once again seeking donations for Baltimore Junior Rowing (Reach High Rowing) which is holding its 2nd annual Erg-A-Thon this Saturday March 3rd.
Me and my dad (Ronald) will each "erg" for an hour this Saturday. We are part of a team of 8 athletes on an ergometer for a total of 8 hours in a row!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
We are doing this to help the Reach High program where the goal is to help provide college opportunities for Baltimore City student through the sport of rowing. Reach High needs funding to provide scholarships and transportation for new students and rowers that otherwise would be unable to join our team and take part in competitions. Experience in youth rowing is what gives these kids the edge in obtaining college admission and scholarships. In addition to shaping the children into fit competition rowers Reach High helps them with choices, applications and with their SAT preparations. In order to raise money for this I am asking you to help out and donate. No amount is too small. Ever little bit helps and is greatly appreciated!
I hope you can come and cheer us on too - at the boathouse on Waterview Avenue this Saturday. (I (Jules) will be "erging" from 1PM to 2PM and Ronald from 3PM to 4PM)