Team Morgan (Morgan, Bruce, Gayle, Sam, Sean, Samaya, Agne, Frank)'s Fundraiser
We can create year long rowing scholarships for our youth rowers.
Join Morgan, Bruce, Gayle, Frank, Agne, Sam, Ben, Samaya in supporting our Row-A-Thon
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Join us in supporting real change. Let's support good in Baltimore and make a difference. Help our rowers develop discipline, self-confidence, team work and strong preparation for college, career and life with Reach High Rowing
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my Row-A-Thon goal for Reach High Rowing
When donating, let us know which of our awesome Row-A-Thon team members you are supporting in the note section. Our Team members are: Team Captain Morgan Doak, Bruce Doak, Gayle Doak, Agne Pack, Sam and Ben Zito, Samaya Jones, Frank